6 listings found. Showing results 1 to 6
Falkland Islands.1968 Flowers. 1½d. SG 233. Fine Used.

Fine used single as illustrated. 1968 Flowers. 1½d. SG 233. 



Falkland Islands.1960-66 Birds. 2d black and blue. Waterlow Printing. SG 195. Fine Used

Fine used single. 2d black and blue. Waterlow Printing. As illustrated



Falkland Islands 1955-57. Set Used on 4 First Day Covers SG187-192

Set of 6 values all with neat cancel for first day of issuie. ½d. 1d, 9d for 2nd Sept 1957.  2d for 4th Sept 1956. 6d for 1st June 1955.  1?- for 15th July 1955. As il...



Falkland Islands. 1968 Flowers. Predecimal issue. Fine used set of 14 values. SG 232-245.

Fine used set of 14 values. 1968 Flowers. Predecimal issue. SG 232-245.



Falkland Islands.1952-57 QEII definitives. SG 187-192

Fine used set of 6 values. As illustrated.



Falkland Islands.1960-66 Birds. Set of 15 values. Waterlow Printing. SG 193/207

A very fine used set of 15 values. As illustrated
