13 listings found. Showing results 1 to 13
Falkland Islands.1968 Flowers. 1½d. SG 233. Fine Used.

Fine used single as illustrated. 1968 Flowers. 1½d. SG 233. 



Falkland Islands.1960-66 Birds. 2d black and blue. Waterlow Printing. SG 195. Fine Used

Fine used single. 2d black and blue. Waterlow Printing. As illustrated



Falkland Islands. 1935 Silver Jubilee 1/- slate and purple. SG 142. Fine Used

Fine used single  1935 Silver Jubilee 1/- slate and purple.  As illustrated.



Falkland Islands.1935 Silver Jubilee 1d.deep blue and scarlet. SG 139. Fine Used

Fine used single 1935 Silver Jubilee 1d.deep blue and scarlet. SG 139. As illustrated.



Falkland Islands. 1935 Silver Jubilee 2½d brown and deep blue. SG 140. Mounted Mint.

Mounted mint single 1935 Silver Jubilee 2½d brown and deep blue.  SG 140. Mounted Mint.



Falkland Islands. 1935 Silver Jubilee 1d.deep blue and scarlet. SG 139. Mounted Mint.

Mounted mint single 1935 Silver Jubilee 1d.deep blue and scarlet. SG 139.



Falkland Islands. 1937 Coronation. 1d carmine SG 144. Fine used.

Fine used single 1937 Coronation. 1d carmine SG 144. As illustrated.



Falkland Islands. 1937 Coronation. Set of 3 values. SG 143-145. Mounted Mint.

Falkland Islands. 1937 Coronation. Set of 3 values. Mounted Mint.



Falkland Islands 1955-57. Set Used on 4 First Day Covers SG187-192

Set of 6 values all with neat cancel for first day of issuie. ½d. 1d, 9d for 2nd Sept 1957.  2d for 4th Sept 1956. 6d for 1st June 1955.  1?- for 15th July 1955. As il...



Falkland Islands. 1889 4d olive grey black. Wmk upright. SG 12. Mounted Mint.

Falkland Islands. 1889 4d olive grey black. Wmk upright. SG 12. Mounted Mint. As illustrated.



Falkland Islands. 1968 Flowers. Predecimal issue. Fine used set of 14 values. SG 232-245.

Fine used set of 14 values. 1968 Flowers. Predecimal issue. SG 232-245.



Falkland Islands.1952-57 QEII definitives. SG 187-192

Fine used set of 6 values. As illustrated.



Falkland Islands.1960-66 Birds. Set of 15 values. Waterlow Printing. SG 193/207

A very fine used set of 15 values. As illustrated
